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Up and coming mini bike krew.

Welcome to my website...

My name is Damien. I am 24 years old and have a mad passion for minibikes.

I purchased my first Pitboss in January 2008 and am loving it.

So I am now starting an organisation for all those who are mad keen about mini bikes.From wanting to purchase, want information, ride with other mini bike riders and upgrades...

I am trying to get as much interest from everyone in the Gympie/Maryborough/Sunshine Coast and everywhere in between.

I am in the process of finding a "central" riding ground for the club, organising fun days for the kids/ bigger adult kids and families to come out, have a bbq, kids ride knowing that help is never far away.

there will be on the day training, advice from other riders, People to talk to about upgrades, decals to make your ride stand out from the rest.


1 June 2009!


Hey all! hope everything is well in your little pitboss part of the world. Everything is good here. Not yet back on my bike, but we will soon be back in action, So get your ideas in for a fun day, maybe at glen echo park or somewhere like that, im all good, fire your emails in guys, make a good day of it!



People I would like to thank.

Annette, Kylie & Loz from The Bike Den -Gympie

Denim= My mechanic who seems to fix rather a lot of mishaps on my pitty.

Thank you to everyone for your help... Much Appreciated.



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you from:
What do you ride?
Would you like more info on prices for bikes/accessories?
Anything you want to say, post here!

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